Water Distribution System Modeling for Surface Water Feasibility Study
Woodland, CAWater Distribution System Modeling
The City of Woodland, using a grant from the State of California Department of Water Resources, contracted LTD Engineering to conduct a surface water feasibility study. The results of this study indicated that an existing partial water right from the Sacramento River was the most viable alternative to bring surface water into the City of Woodland’s water supply system. As part of this study, LTD Engineering contracted with Mr. Bensch to evaluate necessary improvements to the water distribution system.
Surface water from the Sacramento River would be delivered through a raw water supply pipeline to the east side of Woodland to a future water treatment plant. Mr. Bensch used the City’s water distribution network model to evaluate and recommend improvements that could supply water from the water treatment plant to the entire city. Woodland had a groundwater distribution system with a grid system of wells and distribution pipes without any transmission mains. Sophisticated modeling was necessary to design an effective water transmission system that could deliver water across town from the surface water treatment plant.

Services included: defining alternative layouts; conducting modeling activities of a complex water supply system with surface and groundwater pumps to supply water on a 65% - 35% contribution respectively. Ground level and elevated water storage tanks were modeled independently to evaluate pumping and pipeline requirements. One-hour time step/48-hour extended period simulations were run using maximum day with peak hour demands to evaluate water storage tank levels and volume requirements. Fire flow and storage requirements were also evaluated.
Planning level budget estimates were prepared and documented in an appendix to the Surface Water Feasibility Study. The results of this feasibility study evaluation are currently being implemented by the City of Woodland through the Woodland/Davis Clean Water Agency.